Tag: charity

[VIDEO] Homeless Man Who ‘Won The Lottery’ Gets A Home!

The power of the internet is amazing!

In March, I shared with you the Youtube video of Rahat, a prankster, who decided to pull a prank for a good cause. Rahat gave a homeless man Eric, a fake lottery ticket, but set it up that the store owner would give Eric $1,000 for turning in the “winning” ticket.  Eric was so appreciative and humble after receiving his prize; he even offered to share some of the money with Rahat.

Since sharing his good deed online, Rahat’s video went viral and caught the attention of many. So many people were moved by Eric that they wanted to help. Rahat set up a fundraiser and in just 17 days, $44,000 was raised!  So what did Rahat decide to do with that money? He gave Eric a home to call his own for a year.

I don’t want to give everything away. Watch the video below to see how the big reveal to Eric about his new home unfolds. It’s priceless! Warning: this video will bring tears to your eyes!

Stories like this indeed restore my faith in humanity!

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Let’s Get Together & ‘Brunch For A Cause!’

The first Brunch For A Cause in February was so much fun! It’s time to prepare for the next one icon smile Lets Get Together & Brunch For A Cause!

Brunch For A Cause returns this summer at M Street Bar & Grill in DC. All attendees will enjoy a three course meal and unlimited mimosas or champagne. Brunch on Sundays at M Street is supposed to be a jazz brunch, so there may be live music there too!

Proceeds will benefit Miriam’s Kitchen, an organization focused on combating chronic homelessness by creating meaningful connections with chronically homeless individuals, placing them in permanent supportive housing and ensuring they have the necessary support to remain in housing.  A representative from Miriam’s Kitchen will be present to talk about the organization in more detail and answer questions. I’ll also be giving away goodies to all attendees!

I know it seems really early to announce an event that is taking place mid-June, but 1) tickets must be purchased by June 1st, 2) time is flying by and June will be here before you know it and 3) folks get busy and I want to make sure you’re able to purchase your ticket ASAP and share with friends. This event is open to ALL!

I appreciate those who have been so supportive of this brunch series! Sunday, June 22nd will be a great time to fellowship over great food and drinks while also giving back to your community. I hope to see you there!!



Please feel free to spread the word and share with others!
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Fashion That Feeds: HALF UNITED Jewelry Fights Global Hunger

After the Social Learning Summit on Saturday, a few of us were admiring Meaghan’s (of the blog District Sparkle) necklaces. One was a fabulous statement piece from Baublebar. The other was a bullet necklace from HALF UNITED, which I later discovered is call the Fighting Hunger Necklace.

Meaghan of www.districtsparkle.com

HALF UNITED is a jewelry company that was started five years ago by Christian and Carmin Black on less than $200. The goal was to create meaningful products in the US that not only support their small business community but also make a change in what it means to unite.

HALF UNITED donates half of the profits from items sold towards fighting the global hunger epidemic here in the US and overseas. The jewelry company partners with the Food Bank (in USA), Cape Fear Volunteer Center (USA), EAI (Cambodia & Madagascar) and Northern Christian Training Center (Fiji) to provide crops and gardens, fishing farms, backpack meals and education. To date, with the help of shoppers and their partner organizations, HALF UNITED has been able to provide over 100,000 meals to children.

The bullet necklace is of course a best seller on the website. It comes in a variety of gold and silver options. Along with women’s necklaces, HALF UNITED also sells women’s bracelets and earrings, men’s bracelets and necklaces and accessories like chains, anchor charms and logo stickers.


Fashion that feeds; I love it! Check out HALF UNITED’s work on fighting hunger here. Shop the collection here.

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You’re Invited: Free Breakfast Hosted by Safe Shores

If you are in the DC area, I’d like to invite you to join me at my table for the Safe Shores’ Cherishing Childhood Breakfast on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 from 8:00am to 9:30am.

This is a free breakfast for those who are compassionate about the welfare of their community and want to learn more about the organization. Safe Shores was the beneficiary of last month’s Brunch For A Cause. The organization works tirelessly to support children and families who are victims of abuse; the work they do is truly amazing.

Safe Shores is a direct service nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and working directly with child victims of sexual and physical abuse in the District of Columbia. Through its child-friendly facility and multidisciplinary team approach, Safe Shores coordinates the work of medical and mental health providers, social services professionals, victim advocates, law enforcement, and prosecution officials to reduce trauma and promote healing for child victims of abuse.

Although this is a free breakfast it is also a fundraiser; guests will be asked to consider making a contribution, however no minimum and maximum gift is required. We simple want people to attend and learn more about the incredible programs and valuable services Safe Shores provides in the community.

If you are available on Tuesday, April 22nd for breakfast, I would love for you to join me!! Please email me at adivastateofmind@gmail.com. If you have friends that are also interested in attending, please let me know and I will add them to the guest list as well.  The location of the breakfast will be provided once you RSVP. I hope you’re able to attend!

Learn more about Safe Shores by visit www.safeshores.org

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[VIDEO] Homeless Man Turns In Fake Lotto Ticket And Wins Big!

This video has been circulating blogs and Facebook over the last couple days. After you watch it, you’ll understand why.

I love videos like this because it is a reminder that there are still nice and compassionate people in the world. Youtuber Rahat, known for his pranks, decided to pull a prank for a good cause. For a few weeks, he noticed a homeless man named Eric hanging outside a convenience store so he decided to help him out. Rahat presents Eric with a fake lottery ticket; Eric doesn’t know the ticket isn’t real. Watch what unfolds when he turns the ticket in to see how much he earned.

You may want to grab a tissue before watching!


Rahat is taking his act of kindness one step further. He is seeking the public’s help to raise $15,000 via fundly.com to help Eric get back on his feet.  Details HERE.

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Dear DMV: Let’s Make An Impact!

To date, $150 has been raised to support Safe Shores via ticket sales and donations. But I know we can do much better than that!

Last month I had signed up to co-host a charity happy hour. The guy who was coordinating the event had submitted a proposal to a venue. I had called him a week before the scheduled happy hour only to find out that he hadn’t heard back from the venue after attempting to reach them multiple times via phone calls and emails. I’m not one to do things last minute so instead of scrambling to host the happy hour somewhere else, it just didn’t happen.

So while I sat at my desk that afternoon, the idea to have a charity brunch came to mind. Since I and so many others love brunch and I love giving back to my community, why not combine the two? That day, I literally came up with the name, a list of restaurants to consider and a date. I ran the idea past a few friends who loved it, so I moved forward with planning my first Brunch For A Cause.

The feedback has been great since I started promoting the event. Folks love the idea! However, that excitement hasn’t translated to many ticket sales and that makes me nervous. I know a lot of people, my friends included, are waiting until the last minute to purchase tickets (y’all like stressing me out don’t you? Lol).  I also know people can be forgetful and I worry that if they wait until the last minute, they’ll forget all together to get  a ticket. I often wonder, if “so and so were promoting this, it would probably sell out by now.” But I know I can not compare myself to others. It’s unfair to me; after all “comparison is the thief of joy.” But I can’t help it sometimes. *shrug*

I envision Brunch For A Cause becoming a signature quarterly event (speaking it into existence); it can not only serve as my way of giving back to the community, but also  encourage others to be involved and make an impact as well. Especially for those who may not have the time to volunteer as frequently as they’d like.

This may sound like I’m begging and maybe I am. I have no shame doing so! icon smile Dear DMV: Lets Make An Impact! As you all have been so supportive of my blog and styling business, I humbly ask that you help me make my charity vision come to life. With your help, Brunch For A Cause can make a major impact in the DMV!

I hope you’ll join me on Saturday, February 1st—> http://brunchforacause.eventbrite.com. The last day to purchase is Wednesday, January 29th.


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You’re Invited: 100 Black Men of Greater Washington Holiday Party

Tis the season for holiday parties!!

You’re invited to attend the 100 Black Men of Greater Washington, DC Holiday Party on Wednesday, December 5th from 6-11pm at The Park at Fourteenth.  The event is free and includes complimentary cocktails, passed hors d’oeuvres and a silent auction featuring sports memorabilia, vacation packages, entertainment and game tickets and more.  All proceeds will be donated to 100 Black Men of Greater Washington, DC.

The 100 Black Men is devoted to improving the quality of life for African Americans, particularly young males, in the Greater Washington, DC area through programs that focus on mentoring, education, health & wellness and economic development.

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You’re Invited: Coats & Cocktails at The Park at 14th

The Fab Empire has teamed up with Moët & Chandon along with Talk of DC this year for “Coats & Cocktails,” their annual charity event benefiting the homeless in the DMV.

Homelessness in the region is a big problem with approximately 12,000 homeless men, women and children living in shelters, transitional housing, abandoned buildings and makeshift encampments in the District, according to Street Sense.Last year, “Coats and Cocktails” collected nearly 600 coats for the homeless, which were donated to the Bea Gaddy Family Center in Baltimore and Martha’s Table in Washington, D.C. This year, they’d like to double the number.  Drop off new or gently worn outerwear for the homeless and enjoy complimentary cocktails by Moët & Chandon!

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Seeking Your Help: Toiletries, Baby Items & School Supplies Donation Drive

The Montgomery County (MD) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is hosting a 3-in-1 drive to support Montgomery County Service Day.  Between now and October 20, 2012, the chapter is collecting baby items, toiletries and school supplies which will support the following organizations:

If you are able, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE support this drive by making a donation of new baby, toiletry or education items to one of the four locations. The goal is to obtain enough items to donate 100 baby baskets, 100 book bags and 100 toiletry baskets.  We can’t reach that goal without your help!!

Please share this drive with friends and family!

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You’re Invited: A Toast To Diabetes Happy Hour Fundraiser

As long as I’ve known Lourdes Laguna, she has spent one month each summer traveling to the Dominican Republic to work with AYUDA.

AYUDA is a nonprofit volunteer organization that empowers youth to serve as agents of change in diabetes communities around the world. AYUDA is dedicated to supporting local diabetes communities to develop and implement sustainable diabetes programs throughout the world, with its initial focus emerging out of Latin America.  AYUDA’s innovative peer learning model uses international volunteers as catalysts for empowering local youth living with diabetes to live happy and healthy lives.

Not only is Lourdes tasked with working with AYUDA, but her job as a volunteer is to also fundraise.   Fundraising by volunteers contributes to the majority of the costs to run AYUDA’s programs and sponsor local diabetes projects.

To support her fundraising efforts, Lourdes is hosting “A Toast To Diabetes” Happy Hour.  Donate $20, $40 or $60 and receive extended happy hour specials.

Date: May 23, 2012

Time: 5:00pm to 9:00pm

Location: Vinoteca (1940 11th Street NW Washington, DC 20001)

To purchase tickets in advance please click HERE. You can also make your donation at the door.  For more information about AYUDA and Lourdes’ trip, click HERE.

Hope to see you on May 23rd!

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