To date, $150 has been raised to support Safe Shores via ticket sales and donations. But I know we can do much better than that!
Last month I had signed up to co-host a charity happy hour. The guy who was coordinating the event had submitted a proposal to a venue. I had called him a week before the scheduled happy hour only to find out that he hadn’t heard back from the venue after attempting to reach them multiple times via phone calls and emails. I’m not one to do things last minute so instead of scrambling to host the happy hour somewhere else, it just didn’t happen.
So while I sat at my desk that afternoon, the idea to have a charity brunch came to mind. Since I and so many others love brunch and I love giving back to my community, why not combine the two? That day, I literally came up with the name, a list of restaurants to consider and a date. I ran the idea past a few friends who loved it, so I moved forward with planning my first Brunch For A Cause.
The feedback has been great since I started promoting the event. Folks love the idea! However, that excitement hasn’t translated to many ticket sales and that makes me nervous. I know a lot of people, my friends included, are waiting until the last minute to purchase tickets (y’all like stressing me out don’t you? Lol). I also know people can be forgetful and I worry that if they wait until the last minute, they’ll forget all together to get a ticket. I often wonder, if “so and so were promoting this, it would probably sell out by now.” But I know I can not compare myself to others. It’s unfair to me; after all “comparison is the thief of joy.” But I can’t help it sometimes. *shrug*
I envision Brunch For A Cause becoming a signature quarterly event (speaking it into existence); it can not only serve as my way of giving back to the community, but also encourage others to be involved and make an impact as well. Especially for those who may not have the time to volunteer as frequently as they’d like.
This may sound like I’m begging and maybe I am. I have no shame doing so!
As you all have been so supportive of my blog and styling business, I humbly ask that you help me make my charity vision come to life. With your help, Brunch For A Cause can make a major impact in the DMV!
I hope you’ll join me on Saturday, February 1st—> The last day to purchase is Wednesday, January 29th.