Inspired by the Crismon Rosella and an unorthodox foreign romance, designer Dana Ayanna Greaves will present her fall ARTAYA collection during an all night fashion presentation that features ornately-dressed mannequins, video projections, and live models. The “ARTAYA at Night” fashion presentation is in partnership with Shaw Library and the inaugural Art All Night: Nuit Blanche DC festival.
Brooke Kao, the wardrobe stylist, will tell the collection’s story through styling and pattern mixing. The fashion presentation will take place at Shaw Library (1630 7th St NW Washington, DC 20001) The schedule of the event is as follows:
- Entire exhibition 7 p.m. - 3 a.m.
- Live Fashion Show 9 p.m. - 11 p.m.
- Party 11 p.m. - 3 a.m