What’s really considered flirting? Is it the exchange of phone numbers? Slow dancing at the club? Buying a drink and chatting for awhile? Making eye contact across the room and staring for that extra second??
A group of friends recently went out to Happy Hour and had a great time. One of the guys and girls seemed to hit it off really well, if you can call it that. They chatted, exchanged contact info and even danced a little bit. But you would’ve thought they knew each other for a long time; she’d walk by, they would grab hands. They’d all be standing around (both guys and girls) and he’d always grab the one girl to dance, none of his other female friends. They’d talk to each other, but close enough to consider evading personal space.
But I wonder, is all of that only considered flirting?!? Can there be any meaning behind all of the attention?
So what do you think falls under the title of JUST FLIRTING? When does the interaction between 2 people have a deeper meaning?