A couple of years back, my Dad asked me with minor irritation on his voice why I spent all of my time staring at the computer. Little did he know that in as little as a year after he asked me that question, he himself would be hooked to the same gadget he used to take hours to pull me apart from.
These days, he has a computer of his own, complete with headphones for when he wants to listen to his music in private as well as surround sound speakers for those days when he needs to watch Nicholas Cage playing tough guy for some modern damsel in distress. It’s no great wonder how this has happened considering that everything and anything fascinating is now available on the Internet, from the basic egg recipes to the complicated ways of knowing how to sell Rolex for money, as well as finding trustworthy online resellers like Time and Gem.
Time and Gems is the online leader in pre-owned Rolex watches. To learn more, visit www.timeandgems.com.